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September 14, 2020

Social Media Tips For Businesses – Utilise Your Digital Assets Today

Social Media Tips For Businesses Across The UK

With the presence of the internet, many businesses have digital assets they’re not fully aware of. There is a huge repository of tools and resources that can be utilised.

Many businesses also don’t realise what digital assets are. Even if you’re not in the digital sector, your business can take advantage of its digital assets.

So what do we mean by these digital assets?

Well, there are too many to run through today. Some of which include your website, brand and social media platforms. It is the latter in particular today.

So we have compiled together some of the best social media tips for businesses to take advantage of.

Be consistent 

Social media platforms are a way of advertising your business and enhancing your brand. And it is okay posting content now and then. But in the interim, any potential audience might forget about your brand and your offering.

In addition to this, the complex algorithms of platforms such as Facebook mean that the less your page posts, the less likely you are to get noticed.

This is one of the best social media tips as it vastly increases your exposure.

If you find that you are struggling to stay consistent it may be time to consider outsourcing your marketing, as it could save you time and money.

person holding gray video camera near green leaf plant during daytime

Don’t always go for the hard sell

This piece of advice comes from focusing on the ‘social’ part of social media. You don’t want to go straight in and start selling your product.

The magic of social media allows you to interact with any potential customers. As well as asking questions about future products and feedback.

 This mixture of market research not only allows you to build a loyal customer base but also allows you to gain some valuable insights. This second point in our list of social media tips needs to follow on from the first.

Be consistent but also write content that is engaging.

Mix it up across your social media platforms

As a business, you may have certain customers who follow you on specific platforms. Such as only following your Facebook page.

However, there are going to be others that follow you across all platforms. And the last thing that they’re going to want to see when logging onto Instagram and LinkedIn is the same thing that you posted on Facebook.

It will not only start to become boring to them but might even put them off. That’s why you should alternate and mix up the content you’re posting across your different social media platforms.


Next up on our list of social media tips revolves around networking. As social media not only allows you to connect to potential customers. But also other business owners.

In fact, there are many groups across multiple social media platforms that are made up solely of business owners and entrepreneurs.

These social hubs are a great place to network with other business owners. But always remember, don’t go straight in and sell!

Remember the social side of social media. It’s highly likely someone will be put off if you go in all guns blazing after simply saying ‘hi’.

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