The top tips for small business marketing on social media
As a small business, the key to grow is all about brand awareness. Getting your name noticed and recognised.
There are many ways in which this can be achieved. Through TV advertisements, through radio, or even through flyering and leaflets.
However, digital marketing continues to be popular. No matter how small your business is, you have a range of digital assets at your disposal and they make up a key part of your small business marketing resources.
One of these digital assets is having a website. With your marketing side of that being SEO or search engine optimisation. There is also a host of different social media networks at your disposal.
Joining these social hubs and using them as part of your small business marketing strategy is key to success.
To help your small business get ahead, we have rounded up and listed some of the best social media tips for marketing your small business online.
Some of these tips you may already be putting in practice, some maybe not. Regardless of which of those it is, it is best to integrate and put all of these tips into practical use.
Don’t limit your reach
Don’t just stick to one social media network. You are essentially limiting your audience. Each social network has its unique user base.
To expand your reach and exposure as much as possible make sure you join as many social networks as possible. With the main ones including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit and Snapchat.

Avoid being repetitive
Some of your followers on social media will be following you across multiple networks. And so if you are posting the same thing across 3 different platforms on a single day.
The chances are that person will go on to each of their apps only to see the same thing. This can not only disinterest them but bombarding them could even lose them as a follower.
To avoid this make sure you have unique content for each network.
Build your brand
Social media is a great platform for getting your brand established. Put time, effort and even investment into graphics, logos and cover photos so that you can start to establish your brand.
It starts to give your company a digital identity and that is instrumental in starting to build a following and a community of your business.
Aim for engagement
Social media shouldn’t be used solely for hard selling your products and services. And this is what a lot of small businesses dive in headfirst aiming for.
Instead, focus on the first word in this paragraph, SOCIAL. To become effective in small business marketing over social media, you need to be social.
Drive engagement with followers.
Run polls.
Build conversation.
Discover who your followers are.
The more you want to know about them the more they will want to know about you in return.